Saturday, May 29, 2010

First Grade Talent Show

Will played the drums for his talent. He was awesome. I love watching my kids do cool things. I can't help but gush with pride. He even has his tongue sticking out, Paul does that when he plays guitar. It must be genetic.

Will Lost His First Teeth

It is the very end of first grade and Will has be coveting other children and their spacious mouths due to missing teeth. He had two slightly loose teeth when he went to school in the morning, and when he got home they were hanging by a thread. I can just see him in class trying to write with one hand while furiously wiggling his teeth with the other. Sadly, for him, he still had no missing teeth when he got home.

We finally suggested he get a napkin and just yank on them. He went into the kitchen and came back victorious. Now he would see if the tooth fairy would really come. Well after Paul and I had a discussion over the proper tooth fairy guidelines, he went to seep with his little teeth in a zip loc baggie under the pillow.

Jake is Potty Trained

A week after we moved to Monroe, Paul say to me, "Since you don't have any friends, and you don't have anywhere to go, now would be a good time to Potty train Jacob." Although it was hard to hear that I didn't have any friends and I didn't have anywhere to go, I acknowledged the truth and decided it probably was a good time to potty train.

Now a month or so later I can say that it hasn't been too bad, but I probably wouldn't have said that a week ago when he thought it was funny to poop in his underwear right after I had just gotten finished helping him pee on the potty. Why not do it all at once? I would scream right now, but the frustration is gone, and now I can only think of him at the park today pulling his pants down walking towards the grass to "water it."

By the way he is reading a For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. That is good potty reading.

Our Trip to Arizona

For Spring Break we went down to Arizona to see Paul's Grandma Willyerd and cousins and aunts and uncles down there. We had a great time. On the way down we stopped at Canyon de Chey and The Petrified Forest. We went on some fun hikes, but were eager to see Grandma so we journeyed on. Grandma was a great hostess as usual and taught me how to make candy. Paul couldn't stop juicing her citrus and the boys loved her candy dish.
Carol also put together a cousins party after Emma's baptism. It was fun to stand around talking and we even attempted to play ultimate frisbee, but Nathan wasn't too excited about me running around and leaving him on his own. He wasn't the only crying baby, so the game was finally given up, although, I think we girls could have spanked them if we weren't hindered by crying children.
We went on a really pretty hike in the Arizona Desert where Jacob cut his knee, and told all of the hikers we passed, "I dot bwud." If you can't translate that, it was, I got blood. We ended our trip at a hotel in Richfield, Ut. looking for places to live. Hooray we found one.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Will's Birthday

We had lots of company on Will's birthday. Diane, Jimmy, Bentley, Grandma, and Grandpa Washburn were all here to celebrate with us. The day started with a pancake breakfast and ended with delicious cake. Since Will had a birthday party the next weekend after the company was gone, it was a pretty relaxing day.

Will wanted an army birthday, so we had an ARMY birthday party, complete with shooting airsoft guns. They really enjoyed that, but I couldn't load them fast enough, and one kid couldn't cock the gun by himself. Jake should have been shot several times, because he kept running in front of them as the were shooting, but miraculously he was spared. Some of the games that I had planned were going to be water games, and it has not been the warmest spring. So I was surprised when they wanted to throw wet sponge balls at eachother anyways. They had a good time, and Will felt special.

New Job

In March Paul got a new job as a sergeant for the DWR. He supervises 5 officers in south-central Utah. We were told we could live in Sevier County. The biggest town in the county is Richfield. After a stressful time trying to sell our house and find a place to live in our new area we found a rental house in the small town of Monroe- just south of Richfield. The move went well and Paul is enjoying his new responsibilites. The convience of having a Wal-mart and Home Depot close is great!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

80's Dance Party

I happen to really like to dance. In a spazzy sort of way, so I thought that I would invite a bunch of friends and we would dance together. Like old times when you went to school dances and all of the girls danced together in circles and all of the boys just stood around talking. The only difference was, I just didn't invite any boys, and we had a really good time. There was one requirement you had to come to the party looking like you just stepped out of the 80's. I was really impressed with how well everyone did. We even had a mullet and a head gear.

Nate's Birthday, yeah Dec. 30 2009.

O.k., so I realize that it has been a long time since I have posted anything and it is now May, and his birthday was DEC. 30th.  I can't really skip it though and just catch back up where I am at.  So here it is.  Nate had a pirate birthday party this past year.  We said things like "Down the Hatch", and "Scurvy Dog", and of course lots of "AARGH."  He thinks it is cool that pirates don't take showers, and that they have green teeth.  They had a pretend pirate ship, and played with foam swords.  Of course the TREASURE hunt, and the pirate ship cake.  They had a really great time.
He turned four and in another few months he will be five.