I happen to really like to dance. In a spazzy sort of way, so I thought that I would invite a bunch of friends and we would dance together. Like old times when you went to school dances and all of the girls danced together in circles and all of the boys just stood around talking. The only difference was, I just didn't invite any boys, and we had a really good time. There was one requirement you had to come to the party looking like you just stepped out of the 80's. I was really impressed with how well everyone did. We even had a mullet and a head gear.
2 weeks ago
You are such a good sport. I don't think I could pull that off. I'm not carefree enough! You live in Richfield now, right? I will be down there in July and would love to come say hi!
ReplyDeleteThat would be great.
ReplyDeleteI'll get with you then! We got to Fish Lake and down into Richefield over the 24th of July with Brad's family every year.
ReplyDeletehead gear! that is freaking awesome!! your outfit looks rad!